Jenny continues to wait for the neurosurgery that is so desperately needed. Every day is a battle; her day is now 48 hours long instead of 24 hours (yes, the sleep deprivation for her is extreme), having to do increasingly more work on her neck to stay alive. The longer that she goes without the revision surgeries, the worse she gets and the surgery becomes even more urgent. The Advent Challenge is our latest fundraising idea, with which we hope that you will join in.
In order to avoid asking the same people to donate, the Advent Challenge is designed so that you share a video of the daily advent challenges, along with a little explanation that you’re doing the Advent Challenge in order to spread the word about the fundraiser to save Jenny, and to encourage people to donate if they can afford to:
This way, by posting videos online of your challenge attempts each day, word will spread about the fundraiser beyond our immediate circle of friends and family and be passed on to your circle and so on. This way, new people can be reached. Encourage as many people as possible to join in! We hope that you’ll have some fun along the way, as well as raising lots of money!
Here are the challenges for each day of Advent:
1st December
A nice and easy one to kick things off:
wear odd socks for the whole day (don’t forget to share a photo or video online!)
2nd December
Pretend to be a news presenter and tell us the news that you would like to hear today. Share the video online!
3rd December
Write a Christmas card to someone using only your toes.
Don’t forget to share a video of your attempt or a photo of the finished result!
4th December
Leave a message for someone using biscuits or other snacks. Take a photo of your creation
5th December
Have a tongue twister race with a friend/colleague/family member. Time how long it takes each of you to say this phrase three times as fast as you can WITH NO MISTAKES:
‘Betty bought butter but the butter was bitter, so Betty bought better butter to make the bitter butter better.’
Fastest time wins! Don’t forget to film it & share online.
6th December
Fold or position a towel(s) or napkin(s) into the most interesting Christmas shape or scene that you can dream up. Take a photo of the end result!
7th December
Using playing cards, create the tallest card tower that you can.
Photographic proof please!
8th December
Go up to someone and say
“I am a cotton-headed ninny muggins!”
(a quote from the film Elf)
Try and video their reaction if at all possible
9th December
Read out a poem of your choice in a public place. Have someone film it if you can & share online!
10th December
Draw/doodle a picture of five things that you think represent you. Don’t forget to share a photo of it!
11th December
Build a mini igloo out of ice cubes. Photos please!
12th December
Show us your talent on video! Whatever your talent (or party trick) is, you have full permission to show off!
13th December
With someone else on the opposite side of a small table to you, use a ball of cotton wool (or something similar) and both try to blow it to your opponent’s end of the table at the same time. First person to blow it to the other side wins a game. War!
14th December
Make the best paper aeroplane that you can, decorated in a Christmas theme, and throw it as far a distance as possible. Fly my pretties, fly. Videos please!
15th December
Knock on a neighbour’s door and say “The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear”.*
Then sing a carol or Christmas song to them and film it if possible
*A quote from the film ‘Elf’
16th December
Try to memorise as many of the 151 original Pokémon names as possible and then try to recite as many as you can remember in as quick a time as possible in a video. How fast can you say them all?
17th December
Wrap up every single object, surface and piece of furniture in someone’s room with brown paper or other recyclable paper. Film their reaction to it!
18th December
Count how many Christmas trees you see today, taking a photo of each one
19th December
Make a hat out of newspaper and wear it all day. Photos please!
20th December
See how many smiley faces you can draw on a steamed up bathroom mirror in ten seconds
21st December
If you’re a woman, Introduce yourself to someone as Mary and mention your husband Joseph (even better if you have an actual man with you, to introduce as Joseph). If you’re a man, introduce yourself as Joseph and mention your wife Mary (even better if you have an actual woman with you, to introduce as Mary)
22nd December
Make a slide out of a duvet for a soft toy to go down
23rd December
Paint your nails in a Christmas theme. Post your photos online!
24th December
See how many items of clothing you can wear all at once, as many as you can…and LUNGE! (à la Friends).
Photos/videos please!
The Advent Challenge in image form for you to share (zoom in to see each day’s challenges):
Choose to post your photos and videos wherever you happen to be online these days, whether it be Facebook, Twitter (X), Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, WhatsApp or wherever else. Let’s get people talking and engaged with this!