First, I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who entered my 100 question ditloid quiz, donated money and helped share the quiz on social media. Your kindness and generosity have been overwhelming. Thank you! I’m sure that the two charities, M.E. Research UK and Annabelle’s Challenge, will be very grateful.
The total amount raised is £1910! I haven’t quite reached my fundraising target so if there’s anyone out there who still wants to donate, donations will still be accepted for three months on my donation page here. I would so very much love to reach my target. Medical research = hope.
Out of all the entrants, I’m told by my parents that 21 entries scored between 96-99 out of 100. Nobody got 100 out of 100! A massive thank you to my parents for marking all the entries and for figuring out the 10 winners of the quiz. If you are one of the winners, they will be in touch with you via email to sort out the prizes. 1st place will get first pick of the prizes, 2nd place will get second pick and so on. Congratulations to you all.
The 10 winners of Jenny’s 100 Question Quiz:
1. Jane Petrie
2. Laura Sobala
3. Ellen Forkin
4. Belinda Dixon
5. Caroline Wiggins
6. Alan Brookland
7. Caroline Newbury
8. Sarah Biscuit
9. The Dicey family
10. Jacqueline Rayner
As you can imagine, I am rather annihilated from everything to do with the quiz and fundraising. I’m in a bad way and most likely won’t be able to check twitter, facebook and my email for quite a long time after this.
I very much encourage all of you to create your own fundraising idea and choose to raise money for M.E. Research UK and Annabelle’s Challenge. They are two wonderful charities that are in need of vital funds. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
I know that many people are eager for the answers to the quiz after being tortured by the questions for so long! Here they are:
Round 1: General
1. 12 L of H
= 12 labours of Hercules
2. S W and the 7 D
= Snow White and the 7 dwarfs
3. 80 D A the W
= 80 days around the world
4. 366 D in a L Y
= 366 days in a leap year
5. 26 L in the A
= 26 letters in the alphabet
6. 1 R to R T A, 1 R to F T, 1 R to B T A and in the D B T
= one ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
7. 3 H of C
= 3 heads of Cerberus
8. 4 and 20 B B in a P
= 4 and 20 blackbirds baked in a pie
9. 6 W of H the 8th
= six wives of Henry the Eighth
10. 206 B in the H B
= 206 bones in the human body
11. a R B 2 T
= a rose between two thorns
12. 10 G B H on the W
= ten green bottles hanging on the wall
13. 118 E in the P T
= 118 elements in the periodic table
14. 1 E and 1 T among the 3 G
= one eye and one tooth among the 3 Graeae
15. 88 K on a P
= 88 keys on a piano
16. 18 H on a G C
= 18 holes on a golf course
W S W 3 M A?
In T, L, or in R?
= When shall we three meet again?
In thunder, lightning or in rain?
18. 90 D in a R A
= 90 degrees in a right angle
19. 7 W of the W
= 7 wonders of the world
20. 100 Q in this Q
= 100 questions in this quiz
Round 2: first lines from books
21. M and M D, of N 4 P D, W P to S T T W P N, T Y V M.
= Mr and Mrs Dursley of number four Privet Drive were proud to say that they were perfectly normal thank you very much.
22. I I a T U A, T a S M in P of a G F, M B in W of a W.
= It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.
23. I W the B of T, I W the W of T
= It was the best of times, it was the worst of times
24. All C, E 1, G U.
= All children, except one, grow up.
25. In a H in the G T L a H.
= In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.
Round 3: film titles
26. 3 M and a B
= 3 men and a baby
27. 16 C
= 16 candles
28. 9 M
= 9 months
29. H to L a G in 10 D
= How to lose a guy in 10 days
30. 13 G O 30
= 13 going on 30
31. 4 W and a F
= 4 weddings and a funeral
32. 2 W N
= Two weeks notice
33. 7 Y in T
= 7 years in Tibet
34. 101 D
= 101 Dalmatians
35. 7 B F 7 B
= 7 brides for 7 brothers
36. 10 T I H A Y
= 10 things I hate about you
37. The L 1
= The Lucky One
38. I A N 4
= I am number 4
39. 27 D
= 27 dresses
40. 17 A
= 17 again
41. 50 F D
= 50 first dates
42. S F 10
= Starter for 10
43. O 11
= Ocean’s 11
44. The 12 T of A
= The 12 tasks of Asterix
Round 4: Star Trek
45. L L and P
= Live long and prosper
46. M it S
= Make it so
47. The N of the M O the N of the F
= The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few
48. S P to S
= Set phasers to stun
49. R is F
= Resistance is futile
50. W S, M S
= Warp speed, Mr Sulu
51. A, T B W H!
= Admiral, there be whales here!
52. 5 C: J T K, J-L P, B S, K J, J A
= Five captains: James Tiberius Kirk, Jean-Luc Picard, Benjamin Sisko, Kathryn Janeway, Jonathan Archer
Round 5: Star Wars
53. I H a B F A T
= I have a bad feeling about this
54. L the W W
= Let the Wookiee win
55. A Y a L S for a S?
= Aren’t you a little short for a stormtrooper?
56. H M O-W K. Y M O H.
= Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope.
57. T N M, I a S S
= That’s no moon, it’s a space station
58. The F is S W T 1
= The force is strong with this one
59. U the F, L
= Use the force, Luke
60. L it U, F
= Laugh it up, fuzzball
Round 6: Harry Potter
61. H S of W and W
= Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
62. P 9 and 3 Q
= Platform Nine and Three Quarters
63. 3 D H: the E W, the R S and the C of I
= 3 deathly hallows: the elder wand, the resurrection stone and the cloak of invisibility
64. I S S T I A U to N G
= I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
65. 4 F of H: G G, R R, H H, S S
= 4 founders of Hogwarts: Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, Salazar Slytherin
66. E P
= Expecto Patronum
67. 9 W: A, M, B, C, P, F & G, R, G
= 9 Weasleys: Arthur, Molly, Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred & George, Ron, Ginny
68. 4 C of the T T: V K, F D, C D and H P
= 4 Champions of the Triwizard Tournament: Viktor Krum, Fleur Delacour, Cedric Diggory and Harry Potter
69. The M of E
= The Mirror of Erised
70. I M N T L
= I must not tell lies
71. 7 P on a Q T: 3 C, 2 B, 1 K, 1 S
= 7 players on a Quidditch team: 3 Chasers, 2 Beaters, 1 Keeper, 1 Seeker
72. A K
= Avada Kedavra
73. H of H: A P W B D
= Headmaster of Hogwarts: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
74: 12 G P
= 12 Grimmauld Place
75. N! B! O! T!
= Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!
76. W C all H B K — or W, E.
= We could all have been killed – or worse, expelled.
77. I D N D to D on D and F to L
= It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live
Round 7: song titles from animated Disney films
78. I M a M O of Y
= I’ll make a man out of you
79. N in N
= Not in Nottingham
80. W I S an E F
= When I see an elephant fly
81. Y B in my H
= You’ll be in my heart
82. C Y F the L T
= Can you feel the love tonight
83. I S the L
= I see the light
84. F the F T in F
= For the first time in forever
85. G the D
= Go the distance
86. 1 J A
= One jump ahead
87. O U a D
= Once upon a dream
88. G H the O
= God help the outcasts
Round 8: Doctor Who
89. W W T W
= Wibbly wobbly timey wimey
90. A-Y!
= Allons-y!
91. W Y L a J B?
= Would you like a jelly baby?
92. B T A C
= Bow ties are cool
Round 9: The Bible
93. 929 C in the O T
= 929 chapters in the Old Testament
94. 10 P of E
= 10 plagues of Egypt
95. 5 L and 2 F
= 5 loaves and 2 fish
96. 12 S of J
= 12 sons of Jacob
97. The T: F, S, and H S
= The Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
98. 30 P of S
= 30 pieces of silver
99. 5 B in the B with 1 C: O, P, 2 J, 3 J, J
= 5 books in the Bible with 1 chapter: Obadiah, Philemon, 2 John, 3 John, Jude
100. 9 F of the S
= 9 fruits of the spirit