A few THANK YOUs and news!

Here follows some thank yous and some news!

A big thank you to Disney for giving permission to use the songs in the ‘Journey of Jenny the Giraffe’ videos below:

1. Jenny the Giraffe Goes to Suffolk:

Photo credit for the video: Justine Ashford, who has been so incredibly generous with her time and talent

This Suffolk video in particular means a lot to Jenny (the Human) because of her very happy years there. You can read her memories about that time of her life here: Memories of Saint Felix School, which would be ideal to read in conjunction with watching the video above.

Thank you to Abygail Fossett at the EADT (East Anglian Daily Times), who has written a piece about Jenny’s plight and the Journey of Jenny the Giraffe while visiting Saint Felix School. You can read it here: https://www.eadt.co.uk/news/health/former-southwold-pupil-fundraising-for-life-saving-surgery.
It’s being published in the physical EADT newspaper in the next couple of days so if you’re in the area, keep an eye out for it! Thank you so much to Ruth Selwyn-Crome at Saint Felix School for helping make that happen and for everything else that she has done to help.

2. Jenny the Giraffe Climbs Mount Snowdon:


A *MASSIVE* thank you to the incredible Antonia Maria Jones, a local woman here in Wales, who, although she was a complete stranger to us, after seeing the BBC News item on Jenny, ran a cake stall and did a sponsored walk to raise money for Jenny. Then she organised an Evening of Good Deeds with live music, a raffle and a quiz at Machynlleth Bowling Club, which raised £920. We have been completely bowled over by the kindness of someone who didn’t even know us.

Thank you to everyone who has been raising awareness online and offline and to everyone who has shared about the fundraising for Jenny’s life-saving surgery on social media. We are very grateful to you all.

Thank you to everyone who has donated. These are financially hard times for so many people and we are grateful for every donation, large and small. A homeless man who saw Jenny the Giraffe, asked about her, and heard what she was raising money for, insisted on giving all that he had – 20 pence – towards Jenny’s surgery. His name was David. People can be incredible and we were so unbelievably touched when we heard about this. So thank you to everyone who has given so sacrificially.

It is an awful, dignity-sapping thing to have to beg for your life, to try to convince others that you’re worth saving, especially over such a long period of time. Jenny feels guilty that she’s having to ask others for money but she’s also desperate to stay alive and has so much to give. She’s worth it. Every life matters. We fight on to reach the target. We will get there. Unfortunately, the longer it takes, the more Jenny’s neck gets damaged and the longer she has to endure the unimaginable condition in which she has been left, in unimaginable suffering.

Donation page and more information: https://gofundme.com/savejenny